Friday, December 28, 2012

Money Can Buy Happiness

Happiness is usually found in you when you are doing something nice to others. Try not to expect any return from others, that will release you from disappointment. Stay with the same kind of people of you. You will be happier more often.

How to be happy?

1.Be optimistic
People who'd won the lottery and found that a year afterward, they were no happier than people who didn't. Well, I still buy lottery with friends and be optimistic on winning it every time :-))))))  ....... do not watch horrible news around the world .......

2.Have something to look forward to, always
 It's important to work toward a goal you'll achieve by getting up every morning. Having something to look forward to makes you see the "big picture" and you won't feel as if you are just working every day towards nothing. Do something for someone else; when you are working on something bigger than yourself, you will find that inspiration naturally comes to you.

3.Follow your gut
When you have a decision to make, and you're down to two or three options, just pick the one that feels right, and go with it. Never regret the decisions you make, though. Just live by the 3 C's of life: choices, chances, and changes. You need to make a choice to take a chance, or your life will never change.

4.Make enough money to meet basic needs: food, shelter, and clothing.
In the US, that magic number is $40,000 a year. Any money beyond that will not necessarily make you happier. Remember the lottery winners mentioned earlier? Oodles of money didn't make them happier. Once you make enough to support basic needs, your happiness is not significantly affected by how much money you make, but by your level of optimism.

5 Stay close to friends and family
This is hard for me.

6.Have deep, meaningful conversations
A study by a psychologist at the University of Arizona has shown that spending less time participating in small talk and more time in deep, meaningful conversations can increase happiness.

7.Find happiness in the job you have now
Many people expect the right job or career to dramatically change their level of happiness, but research makes it clear that your levels of optimism and quality of relationships eclipse the satisfaction gained from your job. Don't do whatever you like, like whatever you do. I love what I am doing at work. I design and implement what I have in mind without too much interruption from others.

Science suggests that when you smile, whether you feel happy or not, your mood is elevated.

In a study of college students, an attitude of forgiveness contributed to better cardiovascular health. You could say forgiveness literally heals the heart. While it is unknown how forgiveness directly affects your heart, the study suggests that it may lower the perception of stress. Sometimes it takes "forget" to "forgive". Even so it is better not to hate someone for long.

10.Make Friends
if church is not your thing, consider finding something else you're deeply passionate about and making friends with whom you can connect regularly based on that. Furthermore, when you interact with people who share your interests, you will feel happier due to sensations of reward and well-being. This is because during such interactions, endorphin and dopamine -- neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of happiness and relaxation -- are released. In other words, your body is designed to feel happier when engaged in social interactions.

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